Crayfish, crawdad painting


Cray Yay Fish art

Titled:  Cray Yay Fish

Completed in 2022

Measures roughly 4″ x 4″

Acrylic and spray paint on a flat canvas panel

Can be easily framed in a standard 4″ square frame, just remove the glass


Crayfish artwork


Crawdad painting


Cray Yay Fish from the side


Crayfish art from the side


Crayfish painting back side


Crayfish painting shown with phone for scale



Crayfish are so weird!  They are like tiny aliens. Nature is freaking amazing.  I don’t understand crayfish.  Or are they crawdads?  I don’t want to hug them.  I don’t want to eat them.  But I love that they exist with all their weird appendages.  Scuttling and acting like combination dinosaur-robots.  I like their strangeness.  Especially visually.  I also like that they are sort of lobsters and lobsters are important to me.  I hope this little critter brings strange joy to your home.  An increased appreciation for the odd.






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