She Roams Free


She Roams Free - buffalo art

Titled:  She Roams Free

Completed in 2022

Measures roughly 8″ x 10″

Acrylic on flat canvas panel

Includes:  Numbers, letters, patterns, bison or buffalo


She Roams Free - detailed view


She Roams Free from the side


She Roams Free - bison or buffalo art


She Roams Free


She Roams Free


She Roams Free back side


She Roams Free painting shown with phone for size


I have a thing for bison and I am fortunate to live near two big herds so I get to see them often.  They thrill me.  Beautiful giant solid masses that can run 30 mph and are surprisingly dangerous.  Yay!  This is an acrylic painting on a flat canvas panel made with stencils, stamps, and regular brush painting.  I love the colors in this piece and the unusual composition.  And I always love mixing up patterns and symbols.  I think of bison as very deliberate sentient creatures who bring weight and peace and timeless power to any situation.  I hope this piece inspires you to connect with your own power and seek greater freedom.



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